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Uses Qt 6 and Qt for Python, aka PySide, which includes Qt Designer, a WYSIWYG UI editor.

Docstrings are in reStructuredText format.



pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

PySide6 (docs) has a few requirements. Details here.

GitHub CLI

This project uses GitHub CLI (docs) to manage releases.

You'll need to install and authenticate gh in order to perform the release tasks.
To install, download the file in the link above and follow the instructions.

Authenticate with this command:

gh auth login

Sample output

Sample output from login with the HTTPS protocol and via web browser.

gh auth login
? What account do you want to log into?
? What is your preferred protocol for Git operations on this host? HTTPS
? Authenticate Git with your GitHub credentials? Yes
? How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Login with a web browser

! First copy your one-time code: 9999-9999
Press Enter to open in your browser... 
✓ Authentication complete.
- gh config set -h git_protocol https
✓ Configured git protocol
✓ Logged in as <GH username>

You can authenticate in other ways, see docs for more info.

Linting and Tests

Linting and unit tests are done as actions in GitHub, but should be executed locally with the following commands:

inv lint.all
inv test.unit
If using an IDE such as PyCharm or VS Code, the tests can be executed from within the IDE.

Note that pytest options are in pyproject.toml, in the [tool.pytest.ini_options] section and linting options are also in pyproject.toml and setup.cfg.


Running the code from the CLI or from the IDE needs be done as a module.
If trying to run as a script, the relative imports won't work.


With an inputs file and log level specified.

python -m src.show_dialog.main --inputs-file assets/inputs/inputs_07.yaml --log-level debug


This section has screenshots from PyCharm. VS Code and other IDEs should have similar options.

When running from the IDE, make sure you specify to run main as a module, not a script.


Here are the full options, including parameters.
The working directory should be the project root, not the directory where is located.


Build and Publish

There are two deliverables in this project: the library and the executable app.

This section goes over how to build the app, create a release in GitHub and publish to Pypi.


  1. Bump version

    inv build.version --mode pr
    This will:

    1. Update the necessary files to the new version.
    2. Create and merge a new PR called "Release 1.2.3".
      Use different values --mode for different behaviors, ex don't create a PR.
  2. Create release in GitHub

    inv build.release
    Releases are published in GitHub, under the Releases page.
    A tag is also created.

    Use the --notes or --notes-file to add more details to the release.

    Recommended command

    Create the file and don't add it to the project (it's in .gitignore, so you should be ok).

    inv build.release --notes-file
  3. Publish to Pypi

    inv build.publish


    There's a similarly named project in Pypi called showdialog, so the initially chosen names of show-dialog and show_dialog were not possible due to the similar name and Pypi didn't allow it, so ended up with the current qt-show-dialog.

  4. Upload app to GitHub release

    This step is optional, but recommended. Each build (one per OS) is close to 50MB.

    inv build.upload
    You can also use the Build app GitHub action to create the app in any OS. See the CI/CD section below.


There are two different GitHub actions to handle the build/release/publish process.


This action does steps 1-3 described in the Manually section.

  1. Update version in required files.
  2. Create and merge a PR with the updated files.
  3. Create a GitHub release and tag.

To run the Release action:

  1. In the Actions tab, select the Release workflow.
  2. Click Run workflow.
  3. Leave the main branch selected.
  4. Select the version to bump.
  5. Select whether to create a release in GitHub.
  6. If creating a release in GitHub, add release notes.
    When doing this step manually, a release notes file can be specified and include more information and in MD format.
  7. Select whether to publish to Pypi.
  8. Click Run workflow.

The version for both the GitHub release and Pypi package is defined in pyproject.toml::project::version and src/show_dialog/ They need to match or the action will fail.

Release workflow

Build App

This action does step 4 described in the Manually section, but any OS can be selected (whereas manually is only in the OS in which the tasks are executed).

To run the Build app action:

  1. In the Actions tab, select the Build app workflow.
  2. Click Run workflow.
  3. Select the tag (version) to build the app(s) for.
    By default is main, which works, but is not what we want as an app may be created with functionality not in the release if main has new commits.
  4. Select which OS's to build the apps for.
    The apps will be added to the assets in the release corresponding to the tag in the previous step.
  5. Click Run workflow.

Build app workflow

More info

Managing releases in a repository.